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Traveling from Montgomery
Get on I-65 S
Follow I-65 S to AL-106 in Georgiana. Take exit 114 from I-65 S
Continue straight on AL-55 S
Turn left onto US-84 W
Turn left onto M L King Jr Expressway
Turn right onto N Cotton Street and follow to Court Square
Traveling from Mobile
Get on I-65 N
Follow I-65 N to US-84 E in Conecuh County. Take Exit 93 from I-65 N
Turn right onto US-84 W, follow to Andalusia
Turn left onto M L King Jr Expressway
Turn right onto N. Cotton Street, follow to Court Square
Traveling from Dothan
Get on US-84 W
Follow AL-134 W towards Opp
Turn left on US-84 W
Turn left on Stanford Road
Continue on to E 3 Notch St to Court Square

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